Why is mywifiext not working ?

If mywifiext.net is not working, there could be several reasons for the issue. Here are some common causes and solutions:
  1. Connectivity issues: Make sure your device (computer, tablet, or smartphone) is connected to the NETGEAR extender’s network, either wirelessly or via an Ethernet cable.
  2. Incorrect web address: Double-check the web address you’re entering in your browser. The correct address is www.mywifiext.net (or www.mywifiext.local for macOS and iOS devices).
  3. Browser cache: Clear your browser’s cache and cookies. This can help resolve any issues related to cached data.
  4. Extender not powered on: Ensure your range extender is powered on and its status lights indicate that it’s functioning correctly.
  5. Reset your extender: If all else fails, consider resetting your extender to its factory default settings and setting it up again.
If you continue to experience issues with mywifiext.net, consider contacting NETGEAR support or seeking help from a professional technician.